[OBSOLETE] DUNS number now required for federal contractors
The Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number is a unique, 9-digit identification number assigned by Dun and Bradstreet. Federal contractors are now required to add the number to their E-Verify Company Profile. New contractors must provide it at enrollment.
Existing federal contractors don’t have to provide the number immediately, but must do so the next time their account is modified; for example, when the primary contact or address is changed, or a hiring location added.
How to apply for a free DUNS number
If your company is a federal contractor but does not yet have a DUNS Number, you qualify for a free and expedited (one day) issuance. Learn more about the number and apply here:
Also, this link will tell you more about the DUNS Number while you can look up an existing number at this link.
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