All participants of E-Verify are required to clearly display the “Notice of E-Verify Participation” and “Right to Work” posters. Employers should display the posters in a place that is clearly visible to prospective employees and all employees that will have his or her employment eligibility verified with E-Verify.
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REMEMBER: Displaying the posters in a place that is clearly visible to prospective employees and all employees who will be verified through the system constitutes a notification of participation and compliance with E-Verify requirements.
If you have difficulty posting E-Verify participation notices due to the setup of your business, you have to make sure that all prospective employees receive them with their application materials in addition to posting them in the most appropriate location for viewing by potential and current employees. We recommend that employers have the posters displayed with the application materials either online or in hard copy.
Posters may be downloaded from the “Essential Resources” section of your E-Verify account.